Saturday, August 27, 2016

Summer In Pictures

I love summer. Despite the fact that summer in South Carolina guarantees nearly four months of hot, sticky, mosquito plagued miserableness, it is still my favorite season. In April, as we start nearing the end of our school work, the kids and I usually start dreaming aloud about everything we want to happen when summer finally arrives. A lot of it involves the beach. Oddly enough, a lot of it involves local produce too. We get really excited about being able to get an entire box of peaches for $15 and survive off of sliced peaches and garden tomatoes.

Sadly, summer always seems to pass more quickly than other seasons. Before we know it summer days are quickly disappearing, we're buying school supplies and settling in to a schedule, and the only reminders of summer are the extra freckles and the snow cone stain in my car from a kiddie cup of Shark Attack that lost its top on the drive home one afternoon. 

And the pictures. Thank goodness for all the pictures of all my babies turned brown by mornings and afternoons spent in the sun. 

Here's a glimpse of our summer.

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